In my 78th year, I’ve been blessed with good health and have reached what you might call the tail end of my career as a mechanical contractor. I don’t like the word, but you could say I’m retired.

A few years ago, I began a blog about my HVAC experiences, thinking I could supplement my retirement income. It was an affiliate site that mostly sold Amazon products and featured some ads.

The site began to grow, and some revenue began to trickle in, and I thought, Wow, this is great! I even garnished more than a few snippets. Then, the Google updates began to pick away at the traffic.

As I studied and dug into the problem, I found so many mistakes that it began to seem overwhelming and unrepairable. You might say that my average position in Google search is also retired, resting in or around 25th place. Revenue has dropped to a few dollar bills per month.

That brings me back to my goal. I’ve begun a new journey here at byChadPeterson. I’ve learned a lot and want to share it with anyone interested in blogging and digital marketing.

I still have a lot to learn, and that’s what we all must understand. We are all on the road to developing ourselves into the next best thing, improving our skills and understanding the very complex systems of AI and the IoT.